Boating is a multi-purpose activity. You can use your vessel to cruise around your favorite body of water until sunset, socialize with friends, go on picnics with family, or embark on day-long fishing excursions. However, owning a boat is just the start. You want to install a few must-have accessories to make them more suited to your adventures. Don’t worry if you are unsure where to begin—we can help!

Schnelker Marine & Powersports is your local boat dealership in Indiana. We often recommend that our customers install these four accessories on their boats to boost their safety and efficiency!

1. Anchor

Whether you plan to explore your favorite lake or river, you’ll benefit from having an anchor or two onboard your vessel. This handy accessory can help keep your boat from drifting away in open water and ensure it stays in place during storms or rough conditions. When buying an anchor, make sure the model matches the size and type of your vessel.

2. Life Jackets

Life jackets are safety measures that passengers on your boat should always wear on the water. Ideally, keep one or two extra onboard your vessel to ensure you or a passenger doesn’t get hurt due to not wearing one. You want to check them regularly for wear and tear and replace a worn-out life jacket with a fresh one.

3. First Aid Kit

Next, you’ll want to outfit your boat with a well-stocked first-aid kit. This can help you tackle a medical emergency, such as a minor injury, and keep you and your passengers safe until help arrives. Your marine first-aid kit should have antiseptic wipes for cleaning wounds, first aid cream, cold packs, bandages, gauze pads, scissors, and fabric tapes.

4. Navigation Tools

Finally, you’ll want navigation tools like a GPS, compass, and other tracking devices to stay on course without getting lost. However, ensure you are familiar with the features of your navigational tool before heading out into unfamiliar waters.

We hope this guide helps make your boat safer and more efficient for marine adventures! If you need more ideas or help to select accessories for your vessel, visit Schnelker Marine & Powersports. Our experts can guide you and help you upgrade your boat before your next outing. We are in New Haven, IN, and proud to serve those from Fort Wayne and Auburn.